ABC Case Packers
Valiant Industries presents ABC Case Packers, economical for quality packing and increase in production.
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- Description
Model 600 Robotic Packer
The 600 robotic case packer is equipped with a high payload 2-axis robotic arm that can be programmed for virtually any packing configuration.
The operator station offers complete control in a clear and concise interface, including setup, operation, real-time and historical status reports, maintenance alerts, and fault detection for troubleshooting.
Model 101 Pick and Place Case Packer
Gentle product handling and precise operation are key in maintaining maximum package quality, and A-B-C lift and place case packers provide both. Synchronized operation keeps containers under complete control during case packing. PLC electronics precisely implement all operating commands to ensure accurate placement, and provide instant response to changing production conditions.
For glass or plastic containers, cans, or cartons, choose the Model 101, a pick and place case packer that provides smooth and gentle product handling to maintain optimum package integrity.
Model 19 Case Packer
Here’s a simple and economical way to eliminate hand packing costs and increase production. One labor saver case packer can replace an entire hand packing crew, providing a quick payback in labor savings alone. Designed for simplicity and ease of operation, this Model 19 case packer is easy to install, requires little maintenance, and runs a wide range of product sizes and case styles. Its compact footprint and modular design allows installation where floor space is limited, making this case packer ideal for packagers searching for economy, flexibility and reliability.
The Model 19 case packer is designed for small cases. For larger cases, choose the Model 29 case packer.
Model 29 Case Packer
Here’s a simple and economical way to eliminate hand case packing costs and increase production. One labor saver case packer can replace an entire hand packing crew, providing a quick payback in labor savings alone. Designed for simplicity and ease of operation, this case packer is easy to install, requires little maintenance, and runs a wide range of product sizes and case styles. Its compact footprint and modular design allows installation where floor space is limited, making this case packer ideal for packagers searching for economy, flexibility and reliability.
Model 360 Uncaser and Case Packer for Bottles
This new 2-in-one design simultaneously uncases empty bottles from reshipper cases while place packing full bottles, utilizing only one machine, in one location, with no labor. This innovative machine will increase line productivity by eliminating manual uncasing and case packing; reducing bottle breakage and label damage; and ensuring a consistent bottle supply to the production line.
Here’s how it works:
As the bottle transfer head lowers to the conveyor, one side of the head grips the load of filled bottles for case packing. It cycles the bottles into the waiting case, and as they are packed, the other side of the head locates the empty bottles in the adjacent case. As the bottle transfer head returns to the conveyor, it carries empty bottles to be filled.
After unpacking, the emptied case moves to the packing station where it is packed with filled bottles and transfers to case sealing. Meanwhile, the empty bottles travel by conveyor in a loop for cleaning, filling, capping and labeling- then back to the Model 360 where they are packed into the emptied cases.
The cases move in a straight line from depalletizing through unpacking and case packing, then on to top case sealing and palletizing.