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DTM Packaging High Speed Filling Line

DTM Packaging High Speed Filling Line for glass Boston Round Bottles with approximately a 22mm glass dropper cap.

DTM Packaging Model Purefil 2000 Walking Beam Six (6) Nozzle Flow Meter Filler simple to operate, clean hygienic machine design, sanitary design, continuous motion (walking beam) servo driven system with speeds up to 300 BPM with proper configuration, bottom-up fill capability for foamy or high viscosity products, flush in place system included with each machine, quick to change over, highly flexible for a wide range of products and container sizes. Last filling CBD oil in 1 oz. Boston Round Bottles at 200+ BPM. Electrical 480 volts 3 phase 50/60 Hz. S/N 2610. Overall dimensions without conveyor approximately 88” long X 44” wide X 97” height.

DTM Packaging 8 head high speed rotary capper for capping vials and bottles with dropper caps. Complete with Hoppmann centrifugal Feeder Model FT/40RD. Capable of running 200 BPM+, comes with four sets of bottle handling change parts for ½ oz, 2 Sets of 1 oz. and 2 oz. glass Boston Round bottles, running approximately a 22mm glass dropper cap. Overall dimensions capper without conveyor approximately 58” long X 58” wide X 8’ 3” height, Hoppmann feeder approximately 55” X 55” X 81” height. Complete with stainless steel cap elevator with padded hopper, elevator has 12” wide cleated belt, cleats spaced 12” apart and are 3” tall, overall height 9’, Discharge height 94”, Hopper dimensions 42” X 38” X 31” deep. Electrical 460 volts/3ph/50/60Hz.

Balpack Model CVIS Snap Capper, comes with 2 sets of change parts, conveyor approximately 8’ long X 4” wide, S/N 30214, Electrical 240 volts 1 ph, 80 PSI air required. DOM 7/14/2016.